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Tags - daesh
Tehran 02January_Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has strongly condemned the deadly American air raids that targeted the positions of Iraq’s Hashd al-Sha’abi forces, saying Washington is in fact taking revenge on the popular forces because of the key role they played in defeating the Daesh terror group.
News ID: 44701    Publish Date : 2020/01/02

TEHRAN, Dec 30_Turkish police have detained at least 94 people suspected of having ties to the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group amid nationwide raids aimed at preventing potential acts of terror ahead of New Year’s celebrations.
News ID: 44690    Publish Date : 2019/12/30

TEHRAN, Dec 27_The Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), better known by their Arabic name Hashd al-Sha’abi, says it has fought off an attack by the Daesh terrorist group against an area south of the Iraqi city of Samarra.
News ID: 44665    Publish Date : 2019/12/27

TEHRAN, Dec 5_US military forces have transported to safe sanctuaries hundreds of family members of the Daesh Takfiri terrorists from Syria’s northeastern province of Hasakah to neighboring Iraq over the past 24 hours, a local media report says.
News ID: 44450    Publish Date : 2019/12/05

TEHRAN, Nov 29_Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has once again cast doubt on his US counterpart Donald Trump’s claim that Daesh ringleader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was killed in an operation by the US military last month, calling the much-publicized operation a “fantastic play” staged by the Americans.
News ID: 44374    Publish Date : 2019/11/29

TEHRAN, Nov 24_ Rioters linked to Daesh, PJAK, MKO identified in Kermanshah: Governor
News ID: 44311    Publish Date : 2019/11/24

TEHRAN, Nov 3_Taking credit for the alleged killing of Daesh chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi appears to be playing a key role in US President Donald Trump’s reelection bid.
News ID: 44115    Publish Date : 2019/11/03

TEHRAN, Nov 2_Iran's First Vice President Es'haq Jahangiri has warned that the Daesh Takfiri group may seek to transfer its terrorists to Afghanistan against the backdrop of its consecutive defeats in Iraq and Syria, urging the Afghan government to remain vigilant in the face of such a plot.
News ID: 44109    Publish Date : 2019/11/02

TEHRAN, oct 28_US President Donald Trump says Daesh leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi blew himself up, dying "like a dog," and "like a coward" after American forces trapped him inside a dead-end tunnel.
News ID: 44064    Publish Date : 2019/10/28

TEHRAN, oct 27_The United States military has conducted a special operations raid against Daesh Takfiri chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Newsweek reports.
News ID: 44060    Publish Date : 2019/10/27

TEHRAN, oct 14_The United States forces have reportedly left five “high value” prisoners behind in Syria amid Turkey’s offensive against the war-ravaged country.
News ID: 43937    Publish Date : 2019/10/14

TEHRAN, August 5 - Members of the pro-government Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), known in Arabic as Hashd al-Sha'abi, have managed to cleanse more than a dozen villages in the southern part of the country’s province of Nineveh during the third phase of a major offensive to hunt down remnants of the Daesh terrorist group.
News ID: 42751    Publish Date : 2019/08/05

TEHRAN, Jul 23 - Iraqi army soldiers and members of the pro-government Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), known in Arabic as Hashd al-Sha'abi, have managed to cleanse more than two dozen areas north of the capital, Baghdad, and elsewhere in the country of remnants of the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group.
News ID: 42315    Publish Date : 2019/07/23

TEHRAN, Jul 15 - A senior Iraqi parliamentarian warns that the US embassy in Baghdad is involved in "suspicious activities," saying agents of the Israeli spy agency Mossad and the Daesh terrorist group have been spotted regularly visiting the diplomatic mission.
News ID: 41985    Publish Date : 2019/07/15

TEHRAN, Jun 3 - An Iraqi court has sentenced to death the last two French nationals on trial in the Arab country for joining the terrorist Daesh group and involvement in acts of terror.
News ID: 40309    Publish Date : 2019/06/03

TEHRAN, Jun 2 - The Takfiri terrorist group Daesh has launched two major car bombings in northern Syria, killing 10 people and injuring 20 more.
News ID: 40223    Publish Date : 2019/06/02

TEHRAN, Jun 1 - Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah stressed that Syria has overcome the scheme plotted against it, expressing confidence that it will restore its position and power in the resistance axis.
News ID: 40169    Publish Date : 2019/06/01

TEHRAN, May 26 - Suspected Daesh-linked militants have killed more than two dozen soldiers and a number of civilians in an ambush in northeast Nigeria, in the second deadly attack on the army this week.
News ID: 39882    Publish Date : 2019/05/26

TEHRAN, May 22 - The Takfiri terrorist group Daesh, now deemed mostly defunct after a series of defeats in its former bastions in the Middle East, has vowed to launch deadly attacks on London and New York in the near future.
News ID: 39741    Publish Date : 2019/05/23

TEHRAN, May 20 - Tajikistan says convicted Daesh terrorists have started a riot at a high-security facility in the Central Asian state, leaving 32 people dead.
News ID: 39609    Publish Date : 2019/05/20