UK needs tougher restrictions to tackle coronavirus: Health minister

Young journalists club

News ID: 50063
Publish Date: 16:39 - 04 January 2021
Monday, 04 January 2021_British Health Secretary Matt Hancock has called for tighter restrictions in some areas of the country to contain the rapid spread of a new variant of the coronavirus.

UK needs tougher restrictions to tackle coronavirus: Health ministerThis comes as cases of COVID-19 have increased dramatically in Britain in recent weeks due to a new and more transmissible variant of the virus.

Britain recorded nearly 55,000 new cases on Sunday and so far over 75,000 people have died of the disease, which marks the second highest toll in Europe.

“There is very worrying data that shows the virus continues to spread,” Hancock told BBC TV on Monday.

“We can see that in some of the Tier 3 areas cases are rising sharply so clearly more action - as the prime minister said - is going to be needed.”

“The new variant of this disease transmits from person to person so much easier than the old one.”

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