France's Muslims outraged by decision to ban halal chicken slaughter

Young journalists club

News ID: 51095
Publish Date: 11:53 - 21 March 2021
Sunday, 21 March 2021 (YJC)_ France bans the halal slaughter of poultry as of next July and Muslims outraged by the decision.

France's Muslims outraged by decision to ban halal chicken slaughterOfficials from the Grand Mosque in Paris, the Grand Mosque in Lyon and the Great Mosque of Evry revealed in a statement that the French authorities have adopted new conditions for slaughtering poultry that make it impossible to respect the doctrinal and basic principles of halal ritual slaughter as of July 2021.

Representatives of the Islamic religion in France who obtained ministerial approval authorizing them to issue licenses to practice sacrificial rituals, and to ensure halal certification of meat and products intended for the consumption of the Muslim community, said that these new conditions were mentioned in the technical instructions No. DGAL / SDSSA / 2020-722 issued by the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food. On November 23, they considered the decision a bad message that the French authorities sent to the Muslim community on the eve of Ramadan.

Religious officials met at the beginning of this week at the Grand Mosque in Paris to discuss ways to educate public authorities about the tragic situation that French Muslims may face after the publication of these new instructions.

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