Hermes not valuable enough to be mass produced

Young journalists club

News ID: 5175
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 15:15 - 27 September 2014
Tehran, YJC. Iranian military commander says the drone type one of which was recently downed by his forces is not worth reverse engineering.

Amir Ali Hajizadeh, Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Corps Guard Aerospace Forces, said on Friday that Iran’s technology in making drones is more advanced than that which Israel uses in making the Hermes.

Speaking in interview with Tasnim news agency he said "The Israeli espionage technology was nothing special. Israel and its technology are unclean, therefore, Iran will not look after their technology and will not mass-produce Hermes.”

He further pointed to Israel’s espionage acts against Iran and said "If Israel sends any more drones for espionage to Iran, we will down them the same way we downed Hermes.”

Also asked about the state of the S300 missiles delivery by Russia to Iran, he said "The delivery of S300 missiles from Russia to Iran has met some disagreement which are not yet resolved and we are not looking forward to it either.”

Asked about Iran’s help in arming the Palestinian West Bank he stated that to do so is ordered by the Supreme Leader and it is a duty for the Iranian armed forces to arm the West Bank.

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