Order of Ibrahim Raeisi to the Ministry of Interior; Facilitate the return of Arbaeen pilgrims

Young journalists club

News ID: 53611
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 7:44 - 27 September 2021
Monday, 27 September 2021 (YJC)_ The Ministry of Interior, as the central body in organizing the Arbaeen trip, has the duty to monitor the proper functioning of all relevant agencies in the Arbaeen headquarters.

Order of Ibrahim Raeisi to the Ministry of Interior; Facilitate the return of Arbaeen pilgrimsHojatoleslam Seyyed Ibrahim Raeisi this evening in the cabinet meeting, referring to the importance of the mourning of Aba Abdullah Al-Hussein, said:
Ashura and Arbaeen must remain alive and dynamic, because it is the manifestation of justice, oppression and the Qur'an, and the Arbaeen march is truly a symbol of love and affection for all the good in the world.

He emphasized on providing services to Arbaeen Hosseini pilgrims and said:
The responsible agencies, both in the center and in the provinces, must provide services to the pilgrims by working around the clock, especially in the field of nutrition, transportation and health, and by strengthening the management, provide the ground for the pilgrims to return without worries.

The President stressed the need to serve and preserve the dignity of the pilgrims of Aba Abdullah Al-Hussein and said:
The Ministry of Interior, as the central body in organizing the Arbaeen trip, has the duty to monitor the proper functioning of all relevant agencies in the Arbaeen headquarters so that the plans made do not create any problems for the return of pilgrims.

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