Parl. Speaker: Palestine Still Muslim World's Top Priority

Young journalists club

News ID: 54990
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 18:38 - 11 December 2021
Saturday, 11 December 2021 (YJC)_ Iranian Parliament Speaker put emphasis on the fact that Palestine is the most important priority in the Islamic World.

Parl. Speaker: Palestine Still Muslim World's Top PriorityAddressing the 16th PUIC Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Baqher Ghalibaf noted that Palestine as the most important priority in the Islamic World.

“The top priority in the Islamic world is the issue of Palestine, we see, although the Zionist regime has the support of the West, they failed to achieve their ultimate goal,” Ghalibaf noted.

He went on to reject baseless claims by some Arab states to normalize relations with the Zionists and said that “Some may talk about compromise with the Zionist regime out of desperation, but they are near their collapse.”

Elsewhere in his remarks, the Iranian parliament speaker referred to the current Afghanistan situation and urged the Islamic countries to take a collective approach to send humanitarian aid to Afghans.

“The current situation of Afghanistan is dire after 20 years of the destructive presence of foreign forces,” he noted.

Ghalibaf went to the Turkish city of Istanbul on Wednesday evening to participate in the meeting of the 16th Parliamentary Union of OIC members. On Thursday evening, he held a meeting with a group of CEOs of large Turkish economic holdings and investors in Istanbul.

In a meeting with a group of CEOs of large Turkish economic holdings and investors in Istanbul, Iranian Parliament Speaker said that relations with neighbors is a priority for the current administration.


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