Gharibabadi Asks for Fulfilling Duty in Terrorism Fighting by France

Young journalists club

News ID: 55690
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 22:49 - 31 January 2022
Monday, 31 January 2022 (YJC)_ Secretary of Iranian Judiciary's Human Rights Council urged France to fulfill duty in terrorism fighting.

Gharibabadi Asks for Fulfilling Duty in Terrorism Fighting by FranceIn reaction to the French Foreign Ministry’s recent remarks Secretary of Iranian Judiciary's Human Rights Council, Kazem Gharibabadi urged France to fulfill duty in terrorism fighting.

 The French Foreign Ministry recently said some claims about use of the term “hostage-taking” and threat of exertion of pressure on Iran to release two convicts,

“To point out the difference between Iran and France, we should say we deal with criminals according to the law, but France protects criminals and terrorists,” Gharibabadi noted while pointing to the active presence of some members of MKO and called it as a confirmation.

He also noted that France uses its citizens for espionage and acts contrary to national security and added “Due to its numerous actions committed in violation of the rights of Iranian people, France is not in a position to adopt decisions for Iran and is ndebted to the Iranian people.”



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