IRICA Spox.: Iran has 40% Growth in Non-Oil Trade Past Month

Young journalists club

News ID: 56486
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 23:23 - 07 April 2022
Thursday, 7 April 2022 (YJC)_ Spokesman of Iran Customs Administration said the country has shown 40% increase in non-oil trade in the past month.

IRICA Spox.: Iran has 40% Growth in Non-Oil Trade Past MonthSpokesman of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA) Rouhollah Latifi said the country has shown 40% increase in non-oil trade in the past month.

“Iran’s non-oil trade in the last Iranian month hit $11.538 billion, which equals to 40% increase despite the US sanctions,” Latifi said.

“Compared to the same period of the previous year, Iran’s non-oil trade value during last month enhanced 40%, and compared to the previous month, it recorded a 17 percent growth.” he added.

Latifi went on to add that “In the past Iranian month (Efand) Iran has exchanged 14,530,000 tons of non-oil goods, valued at $11.538 billion with other countries,” and noted “10,117,000 tons of commodities valued $5.102 billion, were exported from the country in this period which equals to 2% decline and 37 percent increase in weight and value compared to the same period in last year.”




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