The presence of the army at the borders means the intelligence aristocracy, not the threat against the regime

Young journalists club

News ID: 56586
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 14:32 - 15 April 2022
Friday, 15 April 2022 (YJC)_ The commander of the army's ground forces emphasized: "Our presence on the borders does not mean that our system is in danger, but it means that the intelligence elite has more information and keeps our forces ready."

The presence of the army at the borders means the intelligence aristocracy, not the threat against the regimeAmir Brigadier General Kiomars Heidari, Commander of the Army Ground Forces, said today, Friday, April 6, in a speech before the Friday prayer sermons in Tehran:
Congratulations on the birthday of the Revolutionary Army on April 25. The day when the army, by the permission of God and by the order of Imam Khomeini, found the identity of the Islamic army in the holy system of the Islamic Republic. Our great Imam ordered the people to honor their army on this day and the army to march on this day.

He added:
This revolutionary and Islamic ruling of Imam Khomeini caused the birth of a provincial, scholastic and revolutionary army, which from the first day of its governorship emerged in various fields. Today, it is our duty to take the flag from the 40,000 martyrs of the army of the Islamic Republic of Iran and 46,000 martyrs of the ground forces, so that by looking at these stars that have adorned the sky of Iran, we have not lost our way. Let's stay steadfast in the central province.

Amir Brigadier General Heydari, stating that what is more important for the ground forces today is to be provincial and provincial-oriented, emphasized:
Today, our dear leader told "Jihad Tebyan" that the army of the Islamic Republic of Iran has been a pioneer in this field of light. The Supreme Leader of the Revolution declared "Explanatory Jihad" as an immediate, definite and universal duty, and on this occasion I have prepared a few issues to present to our dear nation.

He continued: First, why "explanation jihad"? Because, according to the leader of the revolution, "explanation jihad" is our urgent, definite and universal need today. Because the sworn enemies of this system have targeted the issues to which our revolutionary identity is related and to which our Islamic values ​​are proud. In an area called "explanation jihad", we must explain how to always be revolutionary, to remain revolutionary and to be a governor, as well as to remain a governor, so that this raw fantasy of the enemy is forgotten as always.

This senior commander of our country's armed forces stated what areas the enemy has targeted that we should address:
The first and most pivotal attack of the enemy is on the principle of Velayat-e-Faqih, and then on the economy, culture and finally the defense power of the armed forces. In the matter of economy and culture, God willing, the relevant experts will pay attention to it and, as always, will focus on the province. Inshallah, they will take a big step by putting this year's slogan on creating employment-generating and knowledge-based goals.

He continued:
The two issues related to our mission in "Explanation Jihad" are firstly, explaining the position of the province and the central province in the armed forces and the army of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and secondly, explaining the defense capability with the care of God and the leadership of the Muslims and our noble people. Armed, it is necessary to address them on the day we name them the Army of Islam and the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Brigadier General Amir Heydari said:
We in the ground forces of the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran and our armed forces, using Surah Al-Hamad, where it says, Beloved ones, in turn, in their time were the embodied and objective symbol of direct path. Today, it is institutionalized in the army of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the army ground force.

He added:
On the issue of defense capability, which we should all engage in in "Jihad Tabin", today we must ask ourselves why our enemies have attacked our country's defense capability? The reason for this is that in this geography of existence, the only armed force that has been able to stand on its own two feet today and bring self-sufficiency to the forefront to stand against the exaggerations and bigotry of the enemies of Islam, the Armed Forces and the Army of the Islamic Republic.

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