FM Spox.: Iran’s Proposal to Launch Power Plants in Lebanon Still on the Table

Young journalists club

News ID: 56735
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 23:45 - 27 April 2022
Wednesday, 27 April 2022 (YJC)_ Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman said that proposal for constructing power plants in Lebanon is still on the table.

FM Spox.: Iran’s Proposal to Launch Power Plants in Lebanon Still on the TableResponding to a question about the validation of Iranian proposal amid power outage in Lebanon, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said that proposal for constructing power plants in Lebanon is still on the table.

“Iran pays a attention to the domestic developments in Lebanon and that Iran’s proposal for establishing a power plant in that country is still valid,” he noted.

He went on to underline the fact that “Iranian private along with public sector are prepared to provide Lebanese people with electricity and resolve the blackout problem in Lebanon.”

“Although, Lebanese officials have welcomed the proposal, nothing tangible has been done in this respect,” he added.

Prior to this, in relevant remarks in late March, Iranian Foreiegn Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian, announced Iran’s readiness to further develop ties with Lebanon an noted “Iran is ready for the expansion of ties with Lebanon in all economic and trade areas and we are also ready to build 1000MW power plants in Lebanon.”

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