Zelenskyy: Thousands of Russian soldiers will be killed

Young journalists club

News ID: 56776
Publish Date: 10:12 - 01 May 2022
Sunday, 1 May 2022 (YJC)_ The President of Ukraine announced that the occupying forces of Russia are planning new military attacks on the country.

Zelenskyy: Thousands of Russian soldiers will be killedUkrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has reiterated Moscow's readiness to launch new attacks on eastern Ukraine, reiterating recent military figures about Russian casualties in the war.

In a televised speech, the Ukrainian president commented on the current state of the conflict between Russia and Russia, claiming that more than 23,000 Russian troops had been killed so far.

According to the Hill website, Volodymyr Zelenskyy claimed that about 23,000 Russian soldiers had been killed while claiming that more than 23,000 Russians had been killed in the war against Ukraine, which the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces announced on Friday.

In this televised speech, the President of Ukraine also said:
The occupiers are gathering additional forces for new attacks against our army in the east of the country. We know that the Russian command is preparing for new major casualties.

Claiming Russian casualties in attacks on Ukraine, Zelenskyy said:
In those units whose personnel were almost completely destroyed or significantly weakened in March-April, new recruits with little motivation and little combat experience are recruited.

He added:
They just want to get the right number (troops) to be able to deploy these units in offensive operations. The Russian command is well aware that thousands more Russian soldiers will be killed and thousands more wounded in the coming weeks.

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