Secretary General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad: Imam Khomeini is a great role model for historians

Young journalists club

News ID: 57170
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 9:47 - 04 June 2022
Saturday, 4 June 2022 (YJC)_ On the anniversary of Imam Khomeini's demise, the Secretary General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad pointed to the irreplaceable role of the Imam and his revolution in resisting the arrogant powers of the world.

Secretary General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad: Imam Khomeini is a great role model for historiansZiad al-Nakhaleh, the secretary general of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, spoke on the anniversary of Imam Khomeini's demise.

According to Palestine Today, he said that the Islamic Revolution of Iran dared to resist others against the occupying Israeli regime.

النخاله added:
The Islamic Revolution of Iran began about forty years ago under the leadership of Imam Khomeini. The continued presence of the Imam and the Islamic Revolution was too great for the challenges to frighten him or for the arrogant forces to overthrow him or reduce his influence, but with his movement and presence he gave meaning to the lives of Muslims all over the world and gave them hope that change was possible. Is. Muslims and the oppressed were freed from the terror of the great powers; With his revolution, the Imam emphasized that the great colonial countries could be broken and defeated.

He emphasized:
Imam returns the pure essence of Islam to it, the same Islam to which the stolen originality, identity and spirit of the ummah is restored, the Islam that moves the nations and takes it to the streets against tyranny and arrogance ... the Islam that makes a mujahid Kill more than two hundred American soldiers with one blow and wound dozens of Zionist soldiers in one place. Imam is a great example for all men who make history and his revolution has deeper dimensions.

Al-Nakhala further referred to the events of these days and the actions of some countries in normalizing relations with the Zionist regime and added:
Only the Islamic Republic of Iran supports and defends the Palestinian people and its resistance in all fields, and calls for the liberation of Jerusalem and Palestine. Imam Khomeini's revolution changed the equations of the region and the world and made nations more powerful and courageous in the face of American policies and the main enemy of the nation.

He added:
Today, the presence of the resistance and its stability, as well as the stability of the Islamic Republic of Iran on its clear political line along the Imam Revolution, is not hidden from anyone and it does its work in all places from Tehran to Baghdad to Yemen, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine. The Palestinian nation has set the most prominent example in confronting the Zionists. If it were not for the courage of the Palestinian people and resistance, as well as the political and material support of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the situation would not be like this.

Al-Nakhala emphasized in the end:
The experience of Imam Khomeini and his revolution must always be kept in mind, and the presence of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its leadership in the face of oppression is the greatest proof that this path is still effective.

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