Sweden’s Charge D’affaires Summoned over the Verdict on Ex-Official

Young journalists club

News ID: 57252
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 19:56 - 15 July 2022
Friday,15 July 2022 (YJC)_ The Iranian Foreign Ministry summoned Sweden’s charge d’affaires to protest over life imprisonment of former Iranian official.

Sweden’s Charge D’affaires Summoned over the Verdict on Ex-OfficialThe Iranian Foreign Ministry summoned Sweden’s charge d’affaires in Tehran to protest over life imprisonment of former Iranian official.

The director of the Western Europe Division III of the Iranian foreign ministry summoned Sweden’s charge d’affaires in Tehran to protest over life imprisonment of former Iranian official Hamid Nouri.

An official protest note is given to the Swedish diplomat.

Nouri, a former Iranian judiciary employee who has been in solitary confinement in Sweden since 2019, was sentenced to life imprisonment by a court in Sweden on Thursday.

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